the answers you seek are within you. let’s uncover them together.

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current state of wellness, setting intentions, and paving a path forward to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving holistic wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your challenges and triggers.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise or diet, I’ll help you explore other helpful practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and more.

How you’ll feel

more grounded, clear, and self-empowered.

Ready to CREATE equilibrium in your life?

My well-being coaching serves as a dedicated support system for busy professionals, creatives, entrepreneurs, lightworkers, and activists seeking holistic wellness and personal growth. If the call to reconnect with your essence, harmonize your life, and start a wellness routine (or enhance your existing one) speaks to you, I invite you to explore how I can contribute to your well-being goals. With personalized support, I'm here to guide you towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Here's how well-being coaching can benefit you:

  • Prioritize your well-being: Together, we'll uncover tailored practices that promote overall wellness, helping you to thrive in all areas of your life.

  • Accountability for healthy habits: My coaching provides the accountability and support you need to rediscover and stick to empowering habits that enhance your well-being.

  • Resilience and self-care: Learn how to cultivate grounded resilience and prioritize self-care, even as you navigate the challenges of your busy life.

  • Spiritual growth and purpose: Explore ways to deepen your spiritual practices and gain clarity on your life purpose, so you can live with intention and alignment.

  • Overcoming obstacles: My coaching will empower you to overcome obstacles and transcend shadows, paving the way for your personal evolution and growth.

In addition to personalized coaching sessions, you'll also receive guided grounding meditations, access to helpful tools and resources tailored to your unique needs, and unlimited support via email.

As a team, we'll create a customized coaching plan to support you on your journey towards holistic wellness and personal empowerment. You can book a free 20-minute consultation to get started. I can't wait to support you on your path to well-being!

Steph R. Long (Stephanie Long), Chopra-certified health and meditation instructor and former Deputy Director of Enterprise for Refinery29 Unbothered.

Client Experiences

“I have had the opportunity and privilege to have been coached by Stephanie on a few occasions. Not only did she make me feel comfortable and at ease during our sessions, but she held space for me each and every time. She was able to dig deep and ask powerful questions, which led me to breakthroughs and personal insight. This has been an invaluable experience for me!”

—Taty Barreto, Well-Being Coach In-Training (January 10, 2024)

“Discovering guidance with Stephanie has been truly transformative, and I am incredibly grateful to have found her. Her unique blend of intuition, empathy, and professionalism forges a profound connection. Stephanie's intuitive sense resonates deeply, creating a space where I feel genuinely heard and free to explore my true self. What sets Stephanie apart is not only her empathetic approach but also her meditative guidance, a pivotal force in uncovering layers of self-discovery and grounding. In essence, Stephanie's holistic expertise has played a crucial role in helping me unveil my truth, and I am deeply grateful for the stronger connection with myself that she has facilitated.”

—vee MOntes, Founder & ceo, pyrimed (January 10, 2024)

“It's been a blessing to be supported and coached by Stephanie over the past few months. Her warm and familiar nature helped me feel at ease right from our very first session; I always knew that I was coming into a safe space. Because of Stephanie's intuitive and divine gifts, I've felt heard, seen, and I've experienced wonderful revelations. And her guided meditations at the beginning of each session? Extremely grounding and most definitely a highlight of the entire experience. So grateful for her purpose-driven service!”

—Crea Jackson, Media & Entertainment Professional (February 22, 2024) 


This is where the link will jump to

  • Coaching is a personalized service designed for individuals already experiencing success and seeking further progress. In essence, a coach collaborates with you to enhance your performance. This involves setting goals together and employing customized practices to focus on achieving future advancements and improvements.

    A coach isn't a know-it-all guru providing answers. Instead, the coaching relationship is a partnership where the coach helps you gain clarity by encouraging introspection. The belief is that the answers you seek already exist within you, and as a coach, the perspective is that you are already whole.

    While coaches aim to assist you in making tangible changes in your life, their role isn't to impose suggested changes on you. Coaches guide you along the journey you've chosen for yourself. Ultimately, you are considered your own expert and agent of change, with a coach serving as both a mirror and sounding board.

  • A coach collaborates with clients to identify and optimize their strengths, values, and motivation for positive change. Specifically, Chopra-certified well-being coaches like myself serve as guides for the mind, body, and spirit. They assist clients in crafting their own well-being vision and goals, providing comprehensive support across the spectrum and facilitating transformative healing experiences.

  • Coaching can empower, uplift and support you emotionally, spiritually and psychologically, but coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapy, and does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association.

    Therapists have special training to help patients with emotional and mental health. They follow a set of ethical rules and are licensed to provide such care. Additionally, these professionals—with degrees in social work, psychology, or psychiatry—get ongoing education to diagnose and treat mental health issues. While therapy does look at current issues and challenges, it addresses them by exploring personal history, relationships, behavior patterns, and processing past traumas. Therapy usually looks back.

    Coaches—based on their expertise and certifications (they are not licensed mental health professionals)—improve physical, emotional, professional, social, or athletic performance. They help set goals for the future, and therefore service people already doing well who want more progress. Coaching usually looks forward.

  • Coaching is about you actively engaging in the process of self-discovery and growth, which is different from teaching or consulting. As a Chopra-certified health and meditation instructor, I may transition from a coaching role to a teaching role if I sense it could benefit you. In these moments, I might share insights from Ayurveda or meditation. However, the primary goal remains to help you uncover the answers within yourself.

    A key distinction between coaching and teaching lies in the focus—coaching emphasizes listening and reflecting, whereas teaching centers on sharing information. In coaching, I take on the role of the listener, while in teaching, you become the listener (such as if you were to book me for an Intro to Ayurveda learning session).

    The most talking I’ll do will typically occur during your consultation and intake session. In subsequent sessions, my role is predominantly that of a listener. I'll ask questions to guide you toward your own answers and solutions because you know yourself better than I do. This process facilitates a reconnection with yourself, even if you feel you've lost touch or have never believed in that connection before.

  • During a coaching session, you and your coach engage in a collaborative conversation. The focus is on exploring your goals, strengths, and areas for growth. Your coach will guide you in setting specific, achievable objectives and support you in developing strategies to overcome challenges.

    Sessions often involve discussions, reflections, and action planning to help you move towards your desired outcomes. The exact content varies based on your needs and the coaching focus, whether it's related to personal development, career advancement, or other areas of improvement. The type of coach you’re working with also plays a role in the structure of your sessions. For example, since you’ll be working with a Chopra-certified well-being coach, each of your sessions will begin with a brief meditation to facilitate grounding, presence, and awareness.

  • The length of each session varies based on the type of session booked. Sessions within the well-being coaching package are 45 minutes long. For single sessions, you have the flexibility to choose durations of 30, 45, 60, or 90 minutes to suit your preferences and needs.

  • At many practices, clients have the flexibility to meet with a coach on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, depending on their individual needs. At SRL Well-Being, I generally recommend and favor weekly sessions, at least for the first 12 weeks, due to the proven effectiveness in producing meaningful changes. Occasionally, a two-weeks-on/one-week-off schedule may be implemented.

    Weekly sessions allow for valuable time between meetings for reflection and application of learning, while also maintaining the momentum of our collaborative work. After your initial sessions, you have the freedom to choose whether to continue with a weekly cadence or adjust the frequency based on your progress and preferences. The decision is entirely yours.

  • All sessions will take place over Zoom unless other arrangements are made.

  • Absolutely. Feel free to reach out via email between our sessions—I welcome and encourage it! Whether you have questions or want to share your challenges and successes, I genuinely enjoy staying in the loop about your progress and how you're doing. I can be reached via and typically respond within 24 hours (with the exception of weekends and holidays).

  • The duration of coaching varies for each individual and depends on factors such as personal goals, the complexity of challenges, and the pace of progress. Some clients may experience positive changes in a few sessions, while others may benefit from a longer-term engagement.

    With this in mind, SRL Well-Being encourages new clients to consider booking regular sessions for at least the first 12 weeks. The reason behind this duration is to ensure ample time for clients to achieve meaningful results, although the specific outcomes may vary based on individual goals.

  • The timing of noticeable changes varies among individuals, but clients may experience shifts within the first few sessions. The impact of coaching often becomes more apparent as you actively engage with the process, apply insights, and work towards your goals. Consistency in attendance, open communication, and a commitment to the coaching journey typically contribute to a more accelerated and sustainable transformation.

    Personal growth is a gradual process, and your dedication to the coaching process significantly influences the pace of positive changes in your life.

  • I employ a variety of effective methodologies and approaches tailored to individual needs. These may include goal-setting, positive psychology, mindfulness techniques, and personalized action plans. The specific methods utilized depend on your unique goals and preferences, ensuring a customized and impactful coaching experience.

  • Confidentiality is of utmost importance in my coaching practice. While the coach-client relationship is not legally confidential like those in medical and legal professions, any information shared during our sessions remains strictly confidential within the limits defined by applicable laws. I adhere to professional ethical standards, ensuring that your privacy is respected and protected.

    Rest assured that your personal details and discussions will not be disclosed to any third party without your explicit consent. Your trust and confidentiality are paramount to the coaching relationship.

  • While creating meal and nutrition plans is not within the scope of my practice, as a Chopra-certified health instructor, my coaching services encompass a holistic approach to well-being that’s rooted in the lifestyle science of Ayurveda. I focus on guiding and supporting you in making informed and sustainable lifestyle choices, and depending on the well-being vision you have for yourself, that may include those related to nutrition.

    By exploring your goals and preferences, we can collaboratively work towards establishing habits that contribute to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. If you require specialized dietary guidance or health treatment, I may recommend consulting with a registered dietitian, nutritionist, or Ayurvedic practitioner.

  • The role of an Ayurveda instructor primarily involves educating and guiding individuals in the principles and practices of Ayurveda. They provide knowledge about Ayurvedic concepts, lifestyle choices, and holistic well-being, but do not typically diagnose or prescribe personalized treatments.

    On the other hand, an Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor is trained to assess individual constitutions, diagnose imbalances, and offer personalized Ayurvedic treatments. Practitioners may recommend specific dietary changes, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to an individual's unique needs, aiming to restore balance and promote overall health.

    In summary, an Ayurveda instructor focuses on education and general guidance, while an Ayurvedic practitioner provides personalized assessments and treatments based on Ayurvedic principles.

  • In acknowledgment of the financial barriers often present across the wellness industry, I understand the importance of considering individual financial needs, especially those of marginalized folx. To foster accessibility, I work with clients facing financial constraints on a case-by-case basis. Please feel free to discuss your specific situation during our initial consultation, and we can explore options that accommodate your needs.